Have you ever considered surfing in Normandy? we are sure your favorite surf destination will be south-west of France. All surfers in the world know the incredible French’s beach break there, such as Hossegor and Biarritz, but we like to go off the beaten track. So well, let’s explore the north surf life with Hannah, a French girl of 22 years-old, who lives in Rouen, Normandy.
“Hi. I’m in the train to go back to Rouen to work. I was in Dieppe for a few days to see my family and for surfing of course! Today it was « Eleanor » there, a huge storm which destroyed everything. It was a bad day for the beach and for our spot. We’ll clean all this mess as soon as possible!
In Normandy, I spend my all time to surf in « Pourville sur mer ». It’s a beach break with some good waves when the wind comes from the south-west. You have an incredible view when in the line-up. Just stay some minutes sit on your longboard and open your eyes. All over you, you can see the white cliffs, it’s so amazing. The water is almost white due of the chalk. Just under your feet, it’s sand when the tide is low. However, it’s definitely not funny to surf during the high tide because of all the rocks in front of the beach. The spot is full some days… but, like everywhere. Meet us during the summer for a sunrise with perfect waves and you can be just you and some friends. I really love this spot. The atmosphere is perfect when all our friends are there. It’s a kind of a « beach family ».  And I could not forget to mention our little seal who spends a lot of winter days with us!
When our home-spot is not working, we try to move to Siouville, 3 hours drive from Pourville. Forget the rocks and imagine a fabulous beach with sand! For some people that is logical, for us that’s magic. Siouville la Hague is a perfect spot with hard waves sometimes. I love it because the progress I made there and it is not far from home. Moreover it is a surf spot full of nature, the beach is gorgeous. Sometimes it’s just hard to take all of our boards in our little car… but soon a van will be a part of my life! And then, approximately three times per year I go in the south-west of France. Next year, this part of France will be my new home and you will find me in the ocean all the time.

I survive with two boards and one skateboard! I’m kidding… it’s really perfect. I have my lovely longboard 9’0, single, to really enjoy our waves in Normandy all over the year. I learn on this board, also when I’m afraid of the waves, tired or stressed, I just need this board to enjoy and enjoy, that’s my favorite. However, I have another perfect board. It’s a 6’2, single. It’s hard for me to surf it because of the lack of power of our waves here (ok, and the lack of power in my arms too!). It was a love at the first sight, also it’s a kind of my favorite too! Last but not least, my skateboard is a simple Globe that I try to tame!Â
We’re ocean’s lovers and all children in front of a good wave. But we’re also afraid when it’s too hard for us. We’re tired when the session is at 6 a.m. but we go anyway. We’re sad when the weather don’t bring us the perfect wind for the perfect wave. We don’t care if we’re cold or warm, in wetsuit or just in swimwear, in longboard or shortboard. That’s why I fell in love for this sport so much sooner of my first take-off. If you want to discover the world, follow the bordure of the ocean, you will always find a home. Oceans and Seas are our playground. We can’t just stay unresponsive about it. In our home spot, we put some buckets for cleaning the beach. However, last time we did it, the major of the town was against our activity! That was incredible… We still do it without the right of helping our water to be cleaner. Sadly, we need to be careful about all we do, our impact on our ocean is worst and worst…
When not surfing. I’m a mathematician student and I’m working in an IKKS store in Rouen. When we don’t have any waves here, I try to continue my training with my skateboard. When it’s too much rain for skateboarding… I like to visit abandoned places, taking photographies, writing on my blog. I opened my blog last september because I was just curious. I start writing and I admit that I loved it really fast. It is so cool to explain how I feel about some stuff and places, how I travel, how I spend my life. The best part of it, it’s when I receive some answers from people, definitely the part that I love the most. Of course, I invite you to go on my website here and tell me what you think of it ! Unfortunately, it’s in french ah ah!
Next move. I wish I could spend all my time to travel all over the world! let’s start with Norway in March! Some days in the south west of France, some in London and in Paris. In September I will enjoy the sun of the Reunion Island. And the best is for october, my boyfriend and I, we’ll cross Ireland during 9 mouths. I’m already crazy when I’m thinking of this fabulous year just in front of me! My essentials for a trip: all of my cameras (and surfboards, of course) ! I need my little Polaroid, my big Polaroid, my go pro and my Canon. I’m just crazy about taking pictures all the times, and videos. It’s so important to me to have all of this to never forget anything. When I come back from a trip, I put all of this in my travel book and remember all. That’s my essentials. We need to remind us how the world is beautiful.”
Take a look at Hannah’s blog  WWW.HORIZONOCEAN.FR  for more adventures.
To be continued…
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